Stronger than ever:

The network of Jewish visionaries in Germany

Chutzpa or Chutzpe [hʊtspə] | noun:
The guts to be brave, the courage to stand apart, and fearlessly face challenges that can have both positive and negative implications.



Be part of a historic gathering of Germany's Jewish leaders, creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs. Connect, inspire, and make a difference.

100 Attendees
20 Speakers
1 Stage
Movers, Creators & Startup Enthusiasts
Share their insights on stage
Inspiration, networking & entrepreneurial spirit

Q1 2024
Berlin, Germany

This is why you should join

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Business insights
Jewish culture
Street food
In a group full of dreamers, you must let your true nature shine. Establish relationships that will last a lifetime, discuss ground-breaking ideas, and form fruitful partnerships.


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Business insights

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Jewish culture

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Street food

Learn from those who have paved the way in their fields, and step into their paths of innovation and hard work. Get the knowledge you need to make a difference in the world.
Immerse yourself in the dynamic fusion of Jewish culture and business. It's not just networking; it's experiencing a culture of resilience, courage, and entrepreneurship.
When the sun sets, the real fun begins.
Enjoy the best Israeli street food. It's more than food— it's an authentic cultural experience that will blow your mind.


We can't achieve our mission alone.

Join us

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